
Showing posts from 2015

Turning 20 😱

Haha 20. Back then, when I was 18-19, my azam is nak travel jauh2, nak pergi tempat2 baru yang interesting, explore nature, Enjoy my youth to the fullest!  Gunakan energy yang ada, untuk buat beneficial things for myself and others. Like really, alhamdulillah, i enjoy my post high scholl teen-ager time haha I climbed the broga, jadi faci for few volunteer programmes, meet new people, went to sarawak, buat charity community programme (me being ajk myself), explore the bako and kubah national park, went to sarikin, bau, tasik biru, gua pari and gua angin, drive around, exploring sabah, snorkeling, traveling around by myself with friends. Like he said, Pergi la jalan2, coz you are young and have no commitment. Enjoy your youth! Like, almost everybody(older than me) sangat menggalakkan aku pergi jalan2 haha Im just a very obedient listener. Haha By the time I am 20, the passion still hasnt fade, but I am thinking of mengsopankan menyabarkan menenangkan lagi diri sendiri jugak haha Coz ...

Me and car. (Driving crazy)

Being in sarawak totally taught you to be independent. In which, you can improve your driving skills, andddddd LEARN and GAIN EXPERIENCE on car. I got some bitter(sweet) memories with cars... And MOST of them arent nice, but its quite good (AS PENGAJARAN) coz you know, women know little about car. Tahu start enjin pastu drive je HAHHAHAHAHA Top first is pengalaman bateri kereta mati. Hahahhahahaha. And thats because of me yang i dont want to tell why omggg whyyyy laaaa on earth aku yang penyebab tragedi. It was totally chaotic.  Coz kalau manual, kau boleh tolak kete then start enjin and taraaaa kete in shaa Allah boleh jalan. But this is auto. 😖😖 berlari sana sini cari jumper tebalkan muka call kawan lelaki omg tanya org ada jumper dalam kete tak. Very worried macam nak nangis pun ada sebab we got class tomorrow pastu dah la tak ramai org masa tu. Then, syaf terkeluar idea.... "Cuba check belakang. Mana tau ada jumper?" And yes, ada. Alhamdulillah hahahhahaha. Then mintak ...

bajet belanja ke sabah

some of my friends asked... how on earth kau dapat pergi sabah? kau ada banyak duit ke? tajaan mana? lol no, I dont have much money, hardly mintak dari ayah, my pinjaman purata rm300 je sebulan.. which boleh tukar jadi biasiswa. rm300 nowadays, cukup2 makan je. tapi kalau kau budak JPA, which sebulan rm600, mmg kau boleh berjimba keluar every weeks. but no, Im living the hard way. takpelah, nnti maybe I'll appreaciate my life better. anyway, we made it ke sabah by rm300 utk flight kereta auto minyak hotel bajet makanan and activities include snorkeling and jalan2 kundasang and kk. Perkara Jumlah total Bayaran per individu (5 org) Catatan Tiket penerbangan Rm 135 Pergi balik MAS Kereta kancil auto Rm 150 Rm 30 Sewa untuk 2 hari setengah 1 hari : rm 60 Minyak Rm 48.60 Rm 7.60 Full tank : rm 38.20 Untuk seluruh perjalanan hampir ±2...

Review buku : PROgnosis

Almost terlupa nak review buku ni. PROgnosis. No, dia bukan cerita pasal the future of a disease in a patient. Tapi tulisan dr jack naim ni pasal suka duka dia masa jadi pelajar perubatan, pengalaman dia masa posting kat hospital. I think this book is really interesting. Utk laymann, maybe bg korang macam baca buku thriller, you know, aksi2 nak menyelamatkan patient, baca cerita masa proses kelahiran,to face deaths, fascinated by nama2 alat and drugs whatnot, untuk tahu bits and pieces of dunia perubatan Tapi untuk aku, yang medical student, it just proves betapa betulnya yang medic ni susah hahahahha You re dealing with nyawa orang, no harmful mistakes can be done, you need to study properly, dengan bersungguh sungguh, praktikkan everything yang lecturer ajar yada2 And though, aku baruje first year, so dia macam bagi gambaran how my life gonna evolve years from now omg And aku paham bila dia cakap penat gila tu And those penat tu akan tetap kekal sampai kau decide nak pencen dari kerj...

Gua angin

Gua angin ni terletak dekat bau, sarawak. Ada satu lagi gua dekat sini, which is gua pari. Gua angin ni yang besnya boleh observe bats la, obviously hehe Tapi being the nature lover me, im in love with bats. They are beautiful creautures. Comelllllll sangat. Lagi lagi yang tergantung secara terbalik tu haha. And their eyes macam fluorescent lamp. Bersinar sinar dalam gua. How cute. Sekawan bats. Hanging bats. Sarang burung Selain tu, best jugak dapat observe binaan gua ni. Those stalagtite stalagmit those bentuk kat sekitar gua cantikkkkk sangat.abaikan ejaan please. And you can see the wonder of His creation.  Subhanallah. :)

Sabah trip part 3

So much thing happened that i were overwhelmed and emmm busy again. Aiyo So here goes part 3. for the third day, i said to the girls, korang nak snorkeling berenang mandi berjemur sampai pengsan pun boleh. Kitorang dapat harga murah untuk snorkeling, by rm18 for return boat and rm15 untuk snorkeling set sebab beli kat hotel, hence no jetty tax. There can cut rm7 dah. Saaaangat berbaloi rezeki sungguh Btw, kat taman laut tunku abdul rahman ni, ada a few pulau boleh pergi. Tapi sebab nak bajet, pergi satu je hehe We chose sapi island sebab ni paling sesuai untuk snorkeling. Orang cakap corals kat manukan dah mati, tapi taktau la kan And, dia mmg sangat berbaloi. And i can see why people want to preserve the corals. Coral vegetation tu saaaaaaaaaangat besar and macam2 kaler pink purple biru coklat hijau kuning oren semua ada, came with multiple size and shapes and reka bentuk. How god create all that dengan sangat sempurnanya. Like seriously korang kena datang and tengok sandiri. Pastu ju...

Sabah trip part2

Second day memang plan nak g kundasang. Bcoz sebenarnya, all tourist attraction tu dapat pergi lalu jalan ke pekan kundasang. AWAS: Jalan kundasang ni saaaaaaaaangat berliku curam bengkang bengkok and tinggi. Bcoz dia macam merentasi banjaran gunung, bukit semua. Dengan van lori kereta semua, kalau korang nak drive  Please berhati hati. Hahhaha. Maybe sebab time kitorang pergi girls semua, jadi lebih extra careful. Four of us drive pergi balik. Jauh gila jalan.  Tapi the amazing thing is the view. Banjaran gunung bukit and housing area kat lereng bukit dengan kabus lagi totally mesmerizing. Start your journey dalam 6.30 id say to capture the scene sebelum awan2 tu nnti tutup gunung bukit tu semua. Tapi seriously, takpayah hiking susah2 nak dapat tgk view yang vantik nice sangat. Subhanallah. And, this is mount kinabalu. Rasa proud sangat utk jadi rakyat malaysia hehehhe. Im sure, sabahan is more proud than i am. Rasa kinabalu ni cantik sangat.  Ada gambar kinabalu ambik k...

Sabah trip c:

Macam best kan? Hehe. Alhamdulillah. Lets visit malaysia!!! Malaysia has lots more to offer!

Sabah trip. Part1

Dah few days balik dari sabah baru nak post aiyo. Been busy like crazy a bit. Btw, kitorang pergi sabah tak dirancang pun. Suddenly jumpa tiket MAS yang murah and i was like, lets just go! (Dont think too much, takyah plan, just go!) Beli tiket a month before flight. Very very sudden. Sabah ni, masih lagi sangat nak membangun. Masih full of hutan and jalan berliku2. Kalau kat betul2 tengah2 sabah, dia macam era of kl yang lama dulu, keliling dia kampung. But I like. Dia macam satu fusion of kesederhanaan yang cantik. Damai. Tenang. Old tradition. Klasik. Maybe becoz im that person yang suka kan sederhana, and nature ofkos. Hahhah Total bajet flight makan places kerete minyak bilik tak termasuk cenderamata is only 300. Percaya tak? Haha.  Will tell you the secret later. First tempat kitorang pergi is tamu penampang. Not much kecuali some local delicacy and handmade craft. Agak terkejut sebb tetiba nampak counter dengan pamflet pasal jesus bible yada. Now i realise im in sabah bahhhh...

The simple me. Tehee

I am a simple person. Easily made happy by the simple little things. And the current thing at le rumah kat kolej that i like the most is this hehe. The sliding door opens up to the sky. Suka duduk depan sliding door just to see the sky, atau ambik angin malam yang sejuk. Tenang yang nyaman and suka sangat hahahha. Dan sebenarnya sekarang ni tengah lari dari buat pbl huwaaaa. Malasnya lahhhhh. Nak belajar pun malas omg. Hahha. Till then, assalamualaikum.

Medic, what say me [part 2]

I really like this new anatomy lecturer, dr aditya. Sebab dia ajar anatomy yang buat aku paham why the so called structure is named that way. Anatomy isss ssoooooo banyaakkkkkkk gilaaaaaa that you cant imagine. Yang my friend asked, "How come there are so many bones for just one hip bone?!!!!" And then come the ligament, tendons, blood vessels, nerve supplied, embryology-derived yada2 attachment lagi function lagi kedudukan lagi triangle la apa la. So dont think kau boleh hafal semua tu membabi buta, sebab it will drive you crazy.. So i really like his lectures, at least aku boleh fikir kedudukan bones muscle tu, or sometimes they named it according to the function or kedudukan, and it really helps. And, aku sangat lah agak tak sangka that he gave a muhasabah session today, i never thought of that, but im glad he did. Dan satu benda yang aku nak share is, kata dia, "If you think you are studying hard, study HARDER." That really hit the nail. (Jangan peduli pasal ora...

Lundu, Sarawak

Tak larat nak menulis sebenarnya tapi nak jugak promote lundu ni hehehe. Thats why as intro letak gambar je dulu cari semangat nak menulis. Lundu ni sebenarnya tak jauh pun dari kuching, dalam almost 2 hrs perjalanan yang sempoi aman damai je. Landskap pantai dia macam pantai biasa je, lebih kurang pantai damai, tapi air dia jerniiiiihhhhhhh saaangggggggaaatttttt. Boleh nampak kaki kalau jalan2 dalam air. Cantik sangat. Haha . Tapi tak sempat nak tangkap gambar as bukti tapi you can keep my words. Pantai lundu ni tak berorang sangat, so girls boleh la nak main air sungguh sungguh mmg freedom gila lah. Pastu temperature air dia tak sejuk sangat so very nice untuk berendam. Like seriously macam taknak keluar dari air. I am in love. Suka sangat berendam dalam air tu. Lundu ni macam area yang tak disentuh lagi, so macam2 binatang boleh jumpa, and area nya dikelilingi hutan and gunung yang tinggi. In shaa Allah nnti nak pergi lagi nak try panjat gunung gading. Landskap yang sederhana, tapi ...


As we all know, hidup ni macam roda, kejap kau kat atas, dan suddenly, after a blow or a hit, kau tertolak jatuh ke bawah. It sounds cliche, but bear with it, life is all about cliche things being so realistic. And it wasnt nice, wasnt a happy feeling, and it makes you wanna stop and run away. Be it a haunting unpleasant past, yang buat kau fobia sakit hati sampai sekarang, atau just some painful annoying misunderstanding, atau some teguran yang makan dalam, atau just some hatred yang dah tersimpan dalam, atau a very sad moody bad  today atau very stressful upcoming exam and tonnes of things to be studied. There are things, indeed, yang kita taknak hadap, taknak open up, taknak terima, taknak berlapang dada, takmahu mengaku, taknak move on. But somehow, at some point of life, kau kena jugak hadap. And my very favorite quote from biha is, " kau pejam mata dan buat je, decide je, hadap je, anddd tarraaaaaaaa it has ended " Hahha. Easier said than done, tapi thats just so true o...

Wisdom words

Kata dia, "Dont just let life passes you by." As we all mesti la at least pernah dengar satu wisdom quotes ni, " get a life, dont just be merely existing " Mmgla dah dengar few times, tapi apabila diingatkan semula sekali lagi, it made me thinking and realizing. Ye lah, dah namanya annas, manusia, yang pelupa. Dont just let life passes you by, that at the end of the day, you come to realize that you have NO LIFE at all. That you have missed out the moments, the little details, the crazy oppurtunities that can actually make your life meaningful. Kata another dia, " just go " If you have a dream go for it. Make yourself happy. Dont be a dead body yang breathing, its a waste. Peringatan untuk saya, dan awok2 jugak. Dan to you both, thank you. You made my day. Till then, assalamualaikum 😊

Taman negara bako... Very nice place!!

Thats me, literally pengsan lepas hiking 😂 hahahha Maka, lets begin!! Emm.. Sebenarnya, as yang aku pernah bgtau orang, niat aku datang sarawak is sebab nak jalan2 hahaha Maka, tetiba pulak dah berazam nak jelajah semua taman negara kat sarawak ni kalau boleh. Bako ni as ramai orang dah google, is taman negara yang kecik je sebenarnya, tapi has the one of the highest biodiversity sebab ada 7 jenis hutan yang berlainan cth hutan paya hutan dipterokap hutan batu kapur hutan pantai.... Etc. haha. Besides that, bako ni femes dengan proboscis monkey. And then, untuk reach bako ni, korang kena naik bot dulu around 20 minutes. And i would like untuk highlight bab harga.. Coz blogs yang aku bukak bagi maklumat yang kurang tepat hehe. Untuk currently, untuk pergi sahaja, its rm15 per head. So sum up pergi balik rm30 per head. I think harga tu sangat affordable and reasonable... Yelah jauh kut sampai 20 mins naik boat and boat ride tu sssaaaaaaannnnnggggaaaatttttt exciting hahha. Aku taktau la ...