Sister in islam.... Errrrrmmm
Sebenarnya aku nak post pasal sister in islam, on how diorang pandai memutarbelitkan fakta.
The guy yang post excerpt ni sebenarnya my lecturer masa asasi
(Aku sangat tak sangka dia akan post pasal SIS and macam bagusssnnyaaa ohmai terharu k abaikan haha)
Kalau korang baca the picture sahaja, without looking at the explanation by my lecturer, korang akan kemungkinan besar konfius and tertipu dengan apa yang ditulis.
That gambar macam nak kata, nabi muhammad yang alihkan pandangan sepupu baginda, sebab dia tenung perempuan tu... So macam nak bgtau yang bukan salah perempuan tu sampai lelaki tenung dia.
But thenn, sebenarnya diorang tak cerita the whole story. Sebenarnya the missing part of the story, as told by my lecturer, is that lady was in ihram, so supposedly baju dia mestilah decent and menutup aurat. So she has done her part, dalam memakai baju menutup aurat so dia dah cuba untuk melindungi diri dia dari pandangan lelaki.
Tapi yelah, tak kisahlah lelaki tu macam mana baik pun, kadang kadang somehow akan tergoda... Coz, we are all human. Orang tak normal je yang tak attracted to opposite gender. It depends on how kau kawal keinginan tu. And as human, we tend to slipped away jugak kadang2. Coz we are human remember.
Maka, dalam kes ni, rasulullah tolong sepupu baginda untuk jaga pandangan.
And i know, jaga pandangan tu, kadang2 susah, yeah the nafsu is so bermaharaja lela.
And no, aku bukan budak baik. Apa yang paling aku nak highlight kan pasal how SIS ni pandai je nak seleweng cerita.
Be careful k.
Till then, assalamualaikum 😊
Note untuk pencerahan:
[Further] detail of this event was transmitted by al-Bukhari in Kitab al-Isti’dhan (no. 6228) from ibn ‘Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) and its wording is: Al-Fadl ibn ‘Abbas rode behind the Prophet as his companion rider on the back of his she-camel on the Day of Sacrifice (yawm al-nahr) and al-Fadl was a handsome man. The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) stopped to give the people verdicts. In the meantime, a beautiful woman from the tribe of Khath’am came, asking the verdict of Allah’s Messenger (Allah bless him and grant him peace). Al-Fadl started looking at her as her beauty attracted him. The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) looked behind while al-Fadl was looking at her; so the Prophet held out his hand backwards and caught the chin of al-Fadl and turned his face to the other side in order that he should not gaze at her, [to the end of] the hadith.
This slave girl’s face was uncovered as is clear from the context of the hadith of Ibn ‘Abbas since he said therein that she was beautiful and al-Fadl was attracted to her beauty. The hadith explains that the Prophet turned the face of al-Fadl away from glancing at her and he did not command the slave girl to cover her face because she was in the state of ihram, and he (Allah bless him and grant him peace) probably feared she would collapse or something else if she was required to conceal her face in such severe crowding, so he did not command her to [do] this. This is a proof that it is permissible for a woman to uncover her face according to a need when the rest of her body is concealed.
This slave girl’s face was uncovered as is clear from the context of the hadith of Ibn ‘Abbas since he said therein that she was beautiful and al-Fadl was attracted to her beauty. The hadith explains that the Prophet turned the face of al-Fadl away from glancing at her and he did not command the slave girl to cover her face because she was in the state of ihram, and he (Allah bless him and grant him peace) probably feared she would collapse or something else if she was required to conceal her face in such severe crowding, so he did not command her to [do] this. This is a proof that it is permissible for a woman to uncover her face according to a need when the rest of her body is concealed.
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