
Showing posts from 2017

what had happened in my clinical year

finally, after 3 days loooong that felt like a 3 weeksss looong, i finished the last EOP exam for year 3 yuhuuuu alhamdulillah *insertbackgroundsound *ofbungaapianddiscotracks hahahah cem nak nangis terharu tergolek terlompat semua la bila mengenangkan how far have i reached to this point, after all those nerve racking exams, countless homesick days, a few good scolding, moments2 yang buat rasa cem nak nangis pastu tido past bangun nak nangis balik hahahhaa gaya cakap cem dah habisyear 5 #whatalongjourney this post is for you guys yang tertanya2 what will happen during the clinical/klinial year.. to actually tell that you had so much fun already in preclinical years, so wake up now! haha for me, apa yang mencabar masa year 3 ialah the exams yang banyak gila. ada 2 komponen yang kena lulus untuk lulus in satu2 posting tu which are theory and clinical. fail satu, fail la semua. theory ada paper MEQ, MCQ, BAQ (some ada SEQ). the bad points are, MEQ paper kena jawab satu-satu, c...

Semporna, Sabah

So we went to semporna last few days, wiwuu Again, another crazy trip bila these girls suddenly called me from sibu 2 months ago (dan saya di kuching) sayin "bell, jom g semporna" Jaw dropped, i think it will be too costly tapi bila dah buat some researches, in shaa Allah 500 including flight tix will be enough. 1. Flight tix Disebabkan januari tu masih lagi posting kat sibu, i bought tix from sbw-kk-tawau, return for 221 only. Maswing and AA. Jgn nak meroyan cakap my tix lagi murah bcoz u can get it cheaper dari kl okay. Kl direct ke tawau mgkin mahal, tapi AA free seat ke KK only 10, and AA KK-TWU paling murah is just 39 okayy. Maswing pun 65 boleh dapat. Total boleh kira sendiri. 2. Bukit tengkorak Airport transfer ke semporna pakai van akan di cas 20 (tapi org sana panggil van tu bas, the real bas dia panggil bas besar hehe). Tapi kitorg pakai prebet aje, lagi murah. Total airport transfer, bukit tengkorak and warisan is 100, divide by 5 pax baru 20. Bukit tengkorak ni ad...